Little Hands is a volunteer-driven organization and your active participation ensures the smooth operation of the overall success of the program, and a positive experience for your family.
in-class parent participation & DUTIES (weekly)
Regular attendance at day classes provides the optimal experience for both parent and child. This allows the child to adapt to and embrace the routine and environment, and it allows the parent to build community and a deeper understanding of child development through regular class discussions. At each class, parents serve either as "supervisors" or "observers", alternating each week:
More details on how parent roles and rotations work can be found in the FAQs. JOB HOURS
Each family is asked to complete a job, which will require an average of 12-18 volunteer hours to complete. Job preferences are requested as part of the registration process, and we make every effort to assign jobs that fit your time, talents and preferences. Please learn about the jobs in detail in the Job Descriptions prior to registration. Families will need to contact their assigned board member no later than May 13th to receive a refund of their Co-Op Deposit. EVENT volunteering
Each family is required to help out with one of the social or fundraising events held during the school year. These volunteer efforts will require approximately 5 hours. See details on the events here. SATURDAY MAINTENANCE WORKDAY (3.5 hours)
Little Hands is committed to providing education to parents, and evening classes are an important part of our curriculum. Specifically, attendance is required for:
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